Upper Primary and High School
In Grades 7 to Grade 9, there a 50 minutes for a period of:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Science
- Health & Personal Development
- Business Studies
- Agriculture
- Library Skills
- Guidance
- Music
- Physical Education
Grade 7 & 8.
The PNG Department of Education administers the Certificate of Basic Education, COBE. All Grade 8 PNG citizens are tested in a range of subjects to ensure that they are reaching National achievement goals. The testing occurs in October every year. Students sit examinations in; English, Mathematics and Combined Subjects.
Grade 9 & 10.
The PNG Department of Education administers the Lower Secondary School Certificate, LSSC. Students who wish to complete the Lower Secondary School Certificate must take English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Business Studies, Personal Development and one of the following optional subjects: The Arts, IT and Art, Technology & Industrial Arts, IT & Family and Consumer Studies.